Supercharge your business with

For Private Vehicles and Equipment



1 Litre


excluding VAT
1 bottle of high concentrate X-Carbon treats 5,000 litres of fuel
Clean and restore your engine to near new standards, improve fuel efficiency and performance.
Need more than 1 bottle?
Call us: 02081850954


250 ml


excluding VAT
1 bottle of high concentrate X-Carbon treats 1,250 litres of fuel
Clean and restore your engine to near new standards, improve fuel efficiency and performance.
Need more than 1 bottle?
Call us: 02081850954


1 Litre


excluding VAT
1 bottle treats 5,000 litres of fuel
Maintain your engine's performance.
Use after cleaning your engine with X-Carbon Boost.
Need more than 1 bottle?
Call us: 02081850954


250 ml


excluding VAT
1 bottle treats 1,250 litres of fuel
Maintain your engine's performance.
Use after cleaning your engine with X-Carbon Boost.
Need more than 1 bottle?
Call us: 02081850954
Includes UK delivery. Contact us for delivery outside the UK

X-Carbon Boost

A highly concentrated form of X-Carbon to be used first to clean out the engine and restore it to near new manufactured standards, cutting emissions and improving MPG while reducing engine wear.  We recommend using for 2-3 month and/or using for a number of "good runs" at over 40mph to maximise effectiveness.

X-Carbon Regular

Having used Restore use Regular, to maintain your engine's performance by preventing carbon build-up, optimising lower emissions and MPG, and reducing maintenance costs.

How much do I need?

Depending on the size of your fleet, distances travelled, load and type of journey, etc, we can recommend how much of X-Carbon Boost and Regular to buy for maximum benefit. As a guide, it’s 10 ml of X-Carbon for every 50 litres of fuel, added straight into the fuel tank, or into a storage tank.

Interested in Trialing X-Carbon?

‍‍We will come to you to help with the trial and advise on how to maximise the benefits of using X-Carbon, can recommend fuel monitoring software, will measure MPG and emissions, assess the variables that impact your costs and aim to bring you greater efficiencies.
X Carbon Logo
A revolutionary innovation. Built from the same petrochemicals that are already in your petrol and diesel, X-Carbon releases the air from fuel, enabling more complete combustion, yielding substantial additional benefits.
Petrol Pump Icon
Improved Fuel Economy
Customers save an average of 26% on fuel consumption.
Car Engine Icon
Extended Engine Life
Fuel has greater lubricity and viscosity reducing engine wear, so your vehicle’s engine lasts longer.
Fast Forward Icon
More Responsive Acceleration
Faster and smoother throttle response.
Smoke Icon
Reduced Emissions
Protect the planet’s future by cutting your carbon footprint.
Steering Wheel Icon
Smoother Running Engine
More complete and consistent combustion results in a quieter, smoother driving experience.
Wrench Icon
Cut Maintenance Costs
Replace parts less often, as the engine is subjected to less wear and tear.
For a truck to get 23 MPG is absolutely SHOCKINGLY GOOD with X-Carbon when the normal mileage is around 14 MPG. Thanks again for insisting I try it.
Hugh F Mason - BMW Service Centre
X-Carbon delivers 18.4% - 28.6% more MPG in trials with Volvo, DAF and Mercedes trucks
X-Carbon cut emissions by 30% in former BBC TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson's Lamborghini
Each driver on our team laps became 2 to 8 seconds faster with X-Carbon. You’ve made believers out of our entire race team!
Chris Willett - Racing Team
RunGreen’s X-Carbon tested in Diesel, Gasoline (Petrol), Kerosene and Marine Gasoil by AmSpec
I have never seen a reaction take place this quickly as with X-Carbon. I could hear the engine get quieter. I could feel it get smoother. I noticed that the throttle response had improved.
Christopher Sawyer - Founder of
Porsche Cayenne V6 diesel's MPG increase by 20% with X-Carbon
Head and Registered Office
G18, St Magnus House,
3 Lower Thames Street,
London EC3R 6HD
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Website by Whitepepper Agency.
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